Signs That Point to Bigger Problems During a Roof Inspection

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Hiring a professional roof inspection service to check on the state of your roof is a smart idea. Having a certified inspector look at all of the different parts of your roof can help prevent any possible issues from getting worse by making you aware of them while they can still be repaired more easily. These are some of the most common signs that may point to larger problems with your roof.

Signs That Point to Bigger Problems During a Roof Inspection

  • Stains or leaks. Your roof should protect you and everyone else inside your home during a storm or other weather conditions. However, a faulty roof may allow water to leak in. During a roof inspection, your inspector will make note of any leaks or water stains, as these may point to possible water damage or other water-related issues.
  • Damaged or missing shingles. It’s normal for your home’s shingles to get blown away or damaged over time. Your inspector will look at your shingles to make sure they’re in good condition and examine how your shingles have been installed. If there are stray nails or bumps sticking out on your shingles, they may have been installed incorrectly.
  • Clogged gutters. Your gutters should be cleaned out regularly, but if they aren’t, they can get clogged or damaged during a storm. However, it may be difficult to tell if your gutters have been damaged, so your inspector will take a look at them during the roof inspection.

A quality roof inspection service can provide you with the peace of mind you need to make sure your roof is keeping you and your family protected, so talk to us here at Towne & Country Property Inspections to schedule your roof inspection today.